An event not to be missed though this year was a lettel depleted because a nuber of memebsr we not well and could not attaned . that beeing said it was enjoyes by all who attened with Mike Slater running a big quiz and and good spread in the buffet
aWe will be holding another two swimming sessions at the swimming pool in the Leisure Centre at Salisbury District Hospital in conjection with ColsotomyUK on Sunday 23rd february and Sunday March 23rd at 1.15 to 2.15pm. these sessions are proving popluar not just to have a swim but to a have a chat
Everyoneenjoyed the Annual Christmas Dinner at the White Hart Hotel Salisbury on Friday December 4th, we rae grateful to Irwin Mitchell for providing the Christmas Hamper for the free raffle . and is was good to have guests from Irwin Mitchell, ColostiomuUk and Medicareplus with us
enjoyat our meeting on Saturday 7th September we will be playing Boccia. with our friends and sponsors at Irwin Mitchell
we shall have the usual good refreshments all starting at 2.00pm at the Bob Blandofird Scout Hall. Wilton. SP2 0AL
On the 20th July we held are Annual BBQ
Thiis year the event was held at The Red Lion Inn in Heytesbury. and was attenede by over 40 members a little down as there was wa number away through illness, but and enjoyable afternoon was enjoyed by all who attended, though the day was nit that bright we were all accomadated in a marquee
everyone had a good time and enoyed good food, with a great raffle with hampers and bottls of wine
Stop press news On Saturday 6th July, and Sunday 25th August ,we will be sponsoring a swiming sessions from 1.15 to 2.25 at the Swiming pool at the leisure centre at Salisbury District Hopsital ,Working with the Stoma dept, there are to be a couple of trail sessions, and opportunity to meet other people with a stoma and have a chat.,
, we have exclusive use of the pool at these times and it is free so please make use of the facility, swimming is good for you